wa8yxm wrote:
The forum has some rules.. You can find them usually in a sticky but there are rules against selected topics of discussion.
There is also a rule about flame wars (prohibted)
Sometimes folks start arguing and it gets heated, or sometimes the entire topic is off topic with questions like who do you think will be our next president (PEOPLE DO NOT RESPOND TO THAT QUESTION IT IS ONLY AN EXAMPLE).
If you make any kind of prohibited post or if the thread devolves into a flame war the moderators will, sadly, have to moderate and close the thread.
It is like some folks think they can drive 105 MPH in a 65 zone... And when they do, not only do the police invite them to a meeting with one of the community's more distinguished persons (The Judge) but if they do it enough the DMV invites them to walk or hitch a ride,, not drive, for a period of time.
Same thing exactly.. Believe it or not the traffic cop would rather NOT write you that speeding ticket, He'd rather you did not break the law. (Used to work for the police in a civilian capacity).
This really has nothing to do with the OP's post. He was wondering why posters other than the moderators take it upon themselves to act as moderators and want a thread shut down because they don't like it.