Forum Discussion

Kennedy64's avatar
Feb 05, 2016

Out of the mouths of babes

My almost 3 yr old granddaughter was snuggling on the couch with grandpa this morning watching her favorite cartoon "Peppa Pig". She called me into the living room and out of the blue, she says "Grandma, me want to go camping".
I'm thinking someone has caught grandma's camping bug and she is now experiencing "CABIN FEVER" :)
Come on spring!!!!
  • Ya'll are bringing back some memories of my Grandfather. While he was not a camper he was an outdoorsman. He had a huge back yard and he had lots of interesting stuff that kept us grandkids interested and our of trouble.

    He set up an old cabin cruiser in the back yard... pulled all of the motor and fuel system out of it and set it on a permanent base and we sailed the ocean blue for years in that back yard.

    He did tons of stuff to keep us outside when we were at his house.


  • We are the grandparents with the camper and the other grandparent are the ones with the cat!
    We are the fun grandparents!
    Or the first time we took the grandson on a trip and he didn't know the process, he was 4 at the time, kept reminding me that the camper was following us! He would tell me for m the back seat, Grandpa, its still following us! I told him that his job was to make sure it kept following us! Your right, Out of the mouth of babes!
  • When our granddaughter was about 2 and first asked what our fifth wheel was, I answered; "it's granny's camper house".

    As you can imagine 5 years later, it is still "granny's camper house". But granny lets me sleep in it and wax it etc.
  • we always keep our TT parked next to the house and the grandkids like to go camping even for just a few minutes when they are over here for a day visit.
  • Yes they are!!! I still have twin teens and sometimes they think I put the grands before them.....don't tell them I do :) LOL
    I have thought of uncovering the TT to let the GD's get their "fix" but I'm going to have to wait until Aprilish, I don't think grandpa wants to unwrap and rewrap the TT :(
  • So, park your rig in the driveway, turn on the heat and take her camping. (while still at home) :)

    Thanks for sharing.