MitchF150 wrote:
I think our State Park says you have until the next day by 1pm to occupy or notify them that you still want the site or they will open it up for the next available camper. Oh, and no refund either...
What's been going on with our parks is the reservation system allows you to reserve up to 9 mos ahead of time for up to 10 consecutive days. What people started doing was reserving a site up to 7 days prior to their actual intended arrival date so they get first shot on a Fri-Sun site. After a week or so, they would cancel the prior 7 days and just keep the weekend dates they really wanted, but didn't have to fight to get it reserved, which can happen if you did it 9 mos to that Fri arrival date.
They have to pay a $7 cancel fee, but got refunded for the canceled days.
This year, I think they caught onto this as there is a new policy on cancellations where they will have to pay up to 50% of the canceled days..
Hopefully, this will keep those folks from reserving earlier dates just to cancel them to get the actual dates they want.
To the OP, I feel that if you are indeed going to use the site for the days you reserved for, or are willing to pay for the days you aren't going to be there, at least call the park so they know you won't be checking in until whenever, but you'd still like the site for when you do arrive and understand that you are still paying for the days you are not there..
I had to read that three time to understand what you were getting at!
Basically they were reserving the weekend 9 months and 5 days in advance.