Kentucky Horse Park CG Lexington KY
When you check in you are given an 8 x10 sheet of paper with your arrival date and departure date.
At the front of each CG site is a big wooden post and a clip, you clip your info sheet to the post.
Doesn't get much simpler than that.
After reading the posts in this thread......
Apparently, what seems to be mostly out west, is the "first-come" "first-serve" way of camping at CG's where reserving without paying is a procedure where unscrupulous reserving practices seem to abound. Which are what most posts/complaints are about.
I personally as a full timer have never even seen a CG like that.
IMHO, JMHO I would not waste one minute of my time or energy on ANY park that was first come first serve.
After reading all the personal experiences, accusations, and criminal actions done to each other by the campers staying in the CG, these first come parks sound more like a war zone certainly not a peaceful CG. :R