carmichael wrote:
Wow..this seems really extreme. At 68 years old and spending most of those years living on farms with livestock barns and pastures, walking 4 miles a day for 21 years on rural roads and in nature parks, I can't imagine all the times I have most certainly stepped in poo or pee from God's creatures, yet, I am still alive and healthy. I guess it must be because I have never made it a habit to rub my hands on the bottom of my shoes.. nor eaten off my floors. Countless times over my lifetime I have had picnics on the ground and even carried my picnic blanket home in my car and guess what I'm still alive (as are my husband and children).
Perhaps it might be time for you to hang up the keys and stay safely tucked away in a safe sterile environment.
So, you are the kind of guy who parks the RV in between the trucks at a highway rest stop on a hot day, steps out to the overwhelming stench of human urine poured all over the concrete, and takes a deep breath, and thinks "ah, I love the smell of nature"?
Sorry, no offense. To each his own, but most of us are, "not that guy".