homefor2 wrote:
I just joined Good Sam and was considering a membership in Passport America. Are there a lot of blackout times in Arizona during the winter months? Just wondered if PA is worth it for winter in Arizona.
It is important to understand that Passport America, from the campground's POV, is a marketing device designed to draw in traffic that otherwise would go somewhere else. Therefore, there will always be those CGs that need that incentive, there will be others that only need it during certain periods, and, of course, those that don't need it at all.
Therefore, the answer to your question can best be answered by deciding where, when and at which CG you would like to stay at. We have been a member of PA for about six years now and travel extensively. Although, the "black out" situation rears it head once in a while, we have very seldom been unable to find a PA member when "push came to shove" -- I will admit that holidays in a touristy area presents great challenge.
I don't believe you have to be a member of PA to search there CG list -- at least it didn't ask me to Login. Go to http://www.passportamerica.com/campgrounds/az and look at the campgrounds in your desired area. It is also worth noting that in addition to "black out dates" there are also many other restrictions such as length of stay at the discounted rate.
Anyway, in answer to your other question. The membership in PA has paid for itself many times over for us but then we are travelers not campers.