mileshuff wrote:
Robert78121 wrote:
At $20 it starts to get tempting to just dump it's capitalism working in that scenario? I'm not saying I'd ever do it, but there are people out there that will.
It's working just as it should! Price is too high so you go elsewhere. If enough others do the same then the price will come down. If enough people pay it then it stays. Vote with your wallet is the best way!
What most don't understand or don't want to understand is that there is no profit in a $5.00 dump station. CG are in business for profit.
Public dump station are generally regulated and require permits and fees. There is maintenance one clog can easily cost $500.00.
Those same people that are irresponsible enough to dump anywhere are the same idiots who will dump diapers and junk that will clog the dump station.
How about fuel, oil, and other hazardous stuff. Think everyone is smart enough not to dump those things at the public dump station.
When these things happen the CG owners get caught with the clean up cost! $5.00 fees do not cover these cost.
In the end the fees rise or the dump station closes. We are seeing both happen.
Some of us have other options and can avoid the fees. However the true boondockers that camp in remote areas must face the music and accept the higher dumping cost. Yes there is an industry built around waste water. If you have waste water to dump plan to pay more than $5.00 to dispose of it. I see $10.00-$20.00 becoming the norm.
Yes dump fees,pet fees,kid fees are designed to create more revenue for the CG. Note I used revenue not profit. There is a difference between the 2. A lot of things need to fall into place before revenue turns into profit!
Bear in mind the CG needs to be a profitable entity in order to survive otherwise it becomes a condo or housing development. Instead of seeing the fee as a rip off, see it all as part of keeping camping alive and well.