cummins2014 wrote:
Boon Docker wrote:
"......most likely like some on here you will be annoyed , yes get over it."
Unfortunately, that is the attitude of many people with noisy dogs.
No ,not my attitude its just a fact ,they will let out a bark or two at times before being told to stop . I agree dogs left alone in an Rv to bark is annoying . I am not one of those owners , but I will repeat to make a point ,get over it if you hear a bark or two at times .
Don't think "a bark or two" was ever mentioned.
YES it's easy to stop them from barking, it simply takes some dedication and a stronger will than the dog. One VERY simple method is a water bottle sprayer.
I stay in a 55 up Park in the winter months. Lots of dogs mostly smaller breeds. VERY interesting how some dogs simply don't make a peep and others got ballistic.
ONLY time our Golden Retriever barked was to let us know something was wrong like me walking on our roof she would let out a bark and my wife would tell her it's ok and that was it. At camp as people walked by she never made a noise. Started training her as a pup.
It's the popular thing now to have a "rescue" that has already developed bad habits.
You can cure the barking with any dog it just takes time but most would rather turn a blind ear!!!