I work from home and my two dogs are convinced that it's their duty to scare away the Amazon drivers, because evidently it's obvious to the dogs that the Amazon peeps are coming to murder us.
I can call out to them in the other room and our Golden will come to my side in my office and hang her head to apologize to me because she "forgot" that she's not supposed to bark. My Aussie will continue to bark regardless, because she knows that I'm too dumb to know about the murder thing. Her proof is that she always barks and we've never been murdered by Amazon, FedEx, or Jehovah's Witnesses. Not yet, at least.
Different breeds. Different individual dogs. Different behavior.
They've camped with us for years and I usually ask the neighbors. From their reports it appears that the dogs never bark unless someone comes close to our trailer (into our camp). The predictable exception though is that they absolutely lose their minds when we get back to camp, so there's a span of 45 seconds between the time we pull up and the time we get inside and they stop. We even jokingly say, "Cue barking dogs" as we pull up to camp (or home).