Forum Discussion

Hemling's avatar
Jul 12, 2020

Pet Peeves long road trip

Just got back a few hours ago from our summer trip from Miami to Door county, WI and back. About 5000 miles round trip. All kinds of roads from gravel one lane to interstate. We pull a 37' TT behind a Ford Excursion, so a about 57' or so going down the road. Maybe I'm just getting older, but these three things really seemed to bother me on this trip.

#1 - merging is a lost art. I'm doing the speed limit in the right lane, cars passing me regularly, and one car will be coming onto the interstate from an on ramp. They get a quarter mile to decide whether to pass me up or tuck in behind. I can't go anywhere! Ultimately, they ride up right beside me expecting me to magically let them in. I can't!!

#2 - Passing lanes. Same problem. I drive the speed limit while towing. No slower, no faster. If that's 55 on a two-laner, that's what I do. So, I politely take the slow lane when one comes up. Invariably, I get cut-off when the passing lane merges back into flow. I've ridden the gravel shoulder, locked up the brakes . . . you name it.

#3 - Stuck in the fast lane. Related to #1, I'll move over if I can, but then I'm doing the speed limit in the fast lane, with my right blinker on, and everybody gets mad as they pass me on the right.

I could never drive OTR truck. Too many idiots on the roads.

Yet I'm getting older. Sorry for the vent.

And get off my lawn.