Hey All...
As a 60 year old man who's wife has just retired we are planning , of course , to take RV trips. We live in Southern California so any where is a LONG ways from home.
Problem is how do people get their controlled prescriptions filled if they are away from home ???
There has to be other seniors out there with the same dilemma.
Thanks a bunch..The BEAN, the wife and two yellow labs.
Getting prescriptions is not a problem if you use a chain Drug store i.e. Wallgreens. I use Wallgreens when I am on the road & out of state. I just go into the Wallgreens located in the state, city I am located and request to fill my prescriptions and they contact my home Wallgreen Drug store via the phone/internet and then I just pay for the prescriptions. I also went to the Wallgreen web site and opened up a online pharmacy account. Then I get a notification (email) letting me know when it is time to pick up my prescriptions. Wallgreens takes care of all my prescriptions so I don't have to constantly keep track of all of my prescriptions and when they are ready for pick up.
I do the same thing with monthly bills. i.e. gas/electric, Dish or Direct, Internet service, trash etc etc. I have my bank set up a "Direct pay" for the above bills. Then I don't have to worry about forgetting to pay a bill or worry about missing a payment and having the service cut off.
For security of the house, I have a complete Security alarm system that is hooked up directly with the police and the fire dept. About $2000 to 4000 and then a monthly payment of about $25. IMHO, money well spent for peace of mind.