noplace2 wrote:
janechucknicodemus wrote:
How many have been advised to the extent that flying j, pilot is going to be cutting off the rv card?
I happened to be talking to a manager in Rawlings, wy. Indicated that the company is not renewing or is going to be disconnuing the program. ?
I have been getting some problems using the card.
Or., Id, Wy, Co, TX.
Go figure?
We are traveling fulltimers for 13 years and used to utilize FJ but no longer. Even with the alleged card "discount", FJ/Pilot is usually not the best deal in town. Use to determine best prices along your route.
The prices are higher then stations down the street
The pumps/isles are messy with spilled fuel
They are crowded
Used them the first part of first year we hit the road.......then I wised up and found fuel cheaper.