TOMMY47 wrote:
I am going on an extended trip this summer. Alone since my wife likes nothing about driving, camping, hiking.
Our nephew announced his wedding plans for July. Wife said I have to go to it. I'm 68 and I WILL be on the road in July.
She's the type who buys birthday and Christmas gifts for siblings, spouses of siblings, nieces and nephews and their spouses and their children and stepchildren, even some in-laws of that group. All of those "kids" are in their
30s through 50s.
Sounds like my situation, but mine includes a new,4 months GS, whose mother doesn't want to put him in daycare,so I'm twiddling my thumbs and looking out the window at the MH. Gonna run a TV cable up there really soon as the onboard satelitte dish can't see thru my trees.
Hey Tommy, how abouty a road trip.