A picture is at the bottom of
this page of a thread from October 2012.
marspec wrote:
smkettner wrote:
For additional safety you can make the bond plug with a 100,000 ohm 1/2 watt resistor.
OK I wired a plug with the resistor and hooked a single generator to the fiver and got the no ground message. I doubt that using only a single gen should make a difference. I had a 98K reading between the ground and neutral plug. I've wired another plug without the resistor and will give that a try tomorrow. The generator was putting out 129V at 60 cycles. What voltage reading are others getting?
This may be a dumb question, but I've got to ask it: You did put the plug into a socket ON THE GENERATOR didn't you? Plugging it in inside the RV won't do anything.