I did answer the original question. He asked if he was correct in concluding a portable genny was not a solution to running an A/C.
My answer was it is a solution if one uses a Honda Companion EU2000i twinned to a regular EU2000i. The Companion provides a 30A outlet.
I further gave the OP a little perspective on how I use mine, and the supply of gas he might need. All this did was supply the OP one frame of reference should he want to power his A/C with a genny.
As for a "peeing contest", this thread quickly went from answering his question, to a generator brand war and a general questioning why anyone would ever want to use a generator.
SoundGuy wrote:
Atlee wrote:
Each person needs to determine their needs, and equip accordingly.
And my long post was not designed to denigrate any other's opinion. It was supposed to recenter a answer specificly for the OP's original question.
It certainly was not to keep the peeing contest on why or why not a person should carry generators and extra gas, alive. That wasn't the OP's original question.
No it wasn't the OP's original question - and that's just the point. ;) Many post here on the forums asking for generator advice, saying one of the reasons they want one is to be able to run A/C. Fair enough, EXCEPT it's also obvious from reading countless threads like this that many also really don't give much thought to how much fuel it takes to keep a genset running for extended periods of time. You do know that and take appropriate steps to ensure you have sufficient fuel on hand to make this happen - but the OP isn't you. :R He tows with an SUV in which he doesn't want to store a genset so it's unlikely he also won't want to keep cans of fuel in there either, especially large quantities as you do in your truck. As you said yourself - "Each person needs to determine their needs, and equip accordingly." In order to do that the OP needs to consider ALL factors, not just which make / model of genset to buy, and that's what this discussion is all about - or should be. In reality, it's you yourself who is denigrating this into a "peeing contest" when quantity of gas and how to transport it is a legitimate point to bring up, whether the OP originally asked the question or not. Hey, I don't care at all what the OP chooses to do, I only offer comment based on my own experience in owning 2 different Honda EU2000i gensets which I did use to run A/C ... and it ain't as simple as just picking a particular make / model of genset and calling it good. :R