Forum Discussion

evagoblog's avatar
Explorer II
Oct 21, 2017

Potty ?.+Updated.. Read again if it already!!

Wasn't sure where to post this, had almost misread pet stop thread thinking it was PIT stop thank god, I looked at it again, if I put my thread on there, people would have wondered what the Sam Hill I was thinking!!

I am NOT going to get my Happier Camper tow trailer 'cause I saw became smitten with both the Juicy car(avan) literally and the Lost RV vehicles

and they are too small to support even a portable toilet the size of a Curve one and after hours of research, yes, yes, I should take up a hobby :) but if ANYONE ever asks about toilets, they can just go here :B

I was going to get a Green Elephant commode (seems the sturdiest of the ones with metal fold up legs) but then someone made a comment that you had to have bags under them because of the legs which I would think that people would do anyway, those some with metal legs you can do without a bag as they do not criss cross but then I thought the only fold up commode that does NOT have crossed metal legs underneath is the Reliance 45 Plastic Fold up, looks like you do not need a bag, or the Cleanwaste Go Anywhere Portable Toilet,(has someone tried both and can tell which is better,) can you put it over a small hole in the ground and use it that way or does anyone know if either DO need a bag? I just read that the seller of Cleanwaste recommends to go to the Eco Toilet system, has anyone used the Boombox

I like the one from China ZTDM, but no reviews do you think the seat is an air seat, it has a plug, would NOT make sense to put a water in it would it, unless there is a bidet squirt on it somewhere (pretty cool if there was LOL!) Or maybe I should use the bedside commodes (as many people criticize the metal legs ones as not being sturdy) or would it be too high if I put it in the car (would only use these all at night for peeing, other times always use camp or public bathrooms.)

I think this is the best though, it looks sturdy and you do not have to use bags or buy chemicals and stuff you need in those cassette or dual bowls, I think I should stop now, have been searching all night :S

Thank you all who answer who also probably have too much time on their hands :)!!
  • Johno02 wrote:
    Lots of us used a hole in the ground with a shack over it. Some had a moon carved into the door..... Look around middle tennessee, you will still find a lot of them.

    ....and you move the outhouse every couple years and plant the garden on the old spot.

    Becoming civilized has certain drawbacks. Digestion of food is the first part of the total organic breakdown actually.

    Beside, you cannot plug one up either....
  • John, not talking about middle Tennessee but heavily used California campgrounds...and lazy Californians.
  • Sidecar, we are not talking about your farm for heavens sake but rather heavily used campgrounds. You you want that amount of human poop on five acres of your farm at six inches depth or less from lazy campers? And campgrounds by their very nature and use are going to have hard compacted soil...unlike your farm. Lazies are not going to dug even four inches.
  • Lots of us used a hole in the ground with a shack over it. Some had a moon carved into the door..... Look around middle tennessee, you will still find a lot of them.
  • Not trying to sound intentionally gross but, being a farmer, I carry a roll of TP in every tractor I own, one in the 4 wheeler and usually a partial roll in my hunting pants, for when the 'call of nature' calls, I'm always ready

    You've heard of a 'Farmers squat' I'm sure. Thats what it's for.

    It's all fertilizer anyway. Guess you don't know what Organic Urea is made from...

    Give you 3 guesses and 2 are gone...

    Why would I want to put fecal matter in a plastic bag and send it to a landfill to lay in that plastic bag for decades when it will be absorbed into the soil and provide nutrients in one growing season.

    Give me a hole in the ground anyday, or a log or a place free of poison ivy.....:B
  • “you put it over a small hole in the ground and use it that way?“

    Seriously? Is that what you want all of us to do even in moderately used camp grounds? Such as MOST California campgrounds? OR since most don’t do that YOU can? TAKE pictures...LEAVE footprints...not YOUR human waste.
  • I can't fathom any situation where a toilet over a hole in the ground is acceptable, except a properly designed vault toilet. Not anything you can manage on a temporary basis. That would be extremely obnoxious and unsanitary.

    If you want to set up a temporary outside toilet, get something like a "Luggable Loo", and use it plus a privacy tent, with appropriate bags to contain the waste.