capacitor wrote:
Asked him why he doesn't replace the breaker and he said he has reported it to the electrician.
That was a federal national park campground. They have very firm regulations about who can do anything with electrical systems. If a campground host does something like replace a breaker, he also better pack his trailer and get ready to move because he will never be in that type position again.
We frequently visit a campground in Texas, about an hour east of Dallas, in a small rural county. They've had electrical issues, and need a lot of things done.
However, they are a COMMERCIAL enterprise, subject to the same electrical code planning, approval, and inspections as the Walmart in the next county, the school, etc. Additionally their liability insurance requires that anything other than flipping a breaker must only be done by a licensed electrician.
Those guys start at $75 per hour, for an independent. An employee who is a licensed electrician would get $35 to $40 per hour, or go work for someone who will pay that much.
Sure, most of us can, maybe even have, done such work.
I doubt anyone who did it for a living, was licensed, would make such a statement.