time2roll wrote:
The spec to measure is amps. s/b 3 amps per wheel. Use your DC clamp meter and post the results.
BTW when the truck is running... the source voltage will be 1 to 2 volts higher.
OP already has mentioned that they are only getting 10V at the brake magnets when they pull the emergency breakaway switch..
There is no way they will ever see 3A per wheel as long as there is less than 12.6V-12.8V at the magnets..
Actual current drawn by the magnets is governed by the voltage present at the magnets. Less voltage available at the magnets = less current drawn by the magnets.
Magnets on DC voltage look and act like a resistor, 12.8V at 3A draw means about 4.2 Ohms worth of resistance..
At only 10V they would expect to see about 2.38A per magnet or about 79% of the max braking effort that they should have..
They have a huge voltage loss somewhere and until they find where that is they won't have full potential braking effort.
Reading the current isn't needed or required for this troubleshooting and may cause one to run down some rabbit holes that wasn't needed.