I was on a schedule 2 narcotic when we started full timing. My doctor ( in California) initially agreed to see me every 6 months and give me a 90 day supply with refills through express scripts ( we had Tricare). After the first year he said he had to see me every three months and last summer I was told I could only get a 30 day supply per visit. I would have to be seen to get a refill.
That wasn't workable so I weaned myself off and have been off of them for 6 months. Fortunately my pain has improved to a point where I don't need them. Not everyone is so fortunate. My other meds I get a 90 day supply from Express Scripts and they are sent to my SD address and then forwarded to me at whatever location I request. That has worked very well.
The Pain management doctor I was seeing said the FDA was breathing down his neck and the criteria for prescribing narcotics has gotten very strict.
I hope you have better luck than I did.