Grit dog wrote:
You could probably toss 1000+ lbs of “stuff” in it and be fine, but why?
To save a couple nights at a hotel? Or do you plan to use it as a RV in the future?
Doesn’t make sense practically or financially just to have a mobile hotel room for one road trip, regardless of the reason for the trip. Unless maybe you’re scoring a good enough deal to make money selling it at your destination.
Appears you’re moving cross country if it’s a 3-4 day drive. That drive will be a lot quicker and “shorter” running bobtail.
I understand where you're coming from. The TT isn't going to be used only for the trip, it'll also be for pleasure as well. Where we're moving to, members of my family are members of a private hunting/fishing club. They don't allow tent camping, but due to the limited membership- there are connections for every member to hook up an RV or travel trailer. And being family, we can be grandfathered in (already been approved.) And with my fishing fetish and my better halfs enjoyment of outdoor photography, we will most likely be spending a few weekends a month out there. And with my neighbor offering a good deal on the trailer (about 8k under used price at rv dealership) I'm extremely tempted to grab it as it appears in extremely good condition and he's modified it for generators and maintained it. His new toy is an extremely large 5th wheel.
As to the move, most of the stuff is going by movers. Only things we'll be taking is my tool box (I learned long ago that when you move, always keep your toolbox onhand and not packed) and enough clothes for the time frame till the movers deliver. The books, and other items, are still optional at this point due to not having the pods yet to load up. Depending on the floor space in the pods, I may have to carry a small propane grill as well, but going to avoid it if possible.