I can not for the life of me explain why someone else would do it.
But I can explain why I would do it.
Just to piss you off.
You like to show people that you don't like company.
I like to piss off people who like to be put on stupid shows.
If you built a smoky fire upwind of me I would just move to the other side of you and build one myself.
If you played loud music all day, I would play loud music all night.
I am retired and have plenty of time to spend, doing the things I like to do.
If you walked up and down the road cussing and complaining, I would pull a chair out to the road and watch.
Or if you just came over to me and said hey, I don't like people and would prefer to be alone if you don't mind. I would just move to another site, and leave you alone.
But I guess you would rather post on here and be mad at the world.