The best answer is...People do what they do and hardly ever is it what everyone else wants!
I do believe some city folks parked out in the boonies are a bit afraid to be so "out there" all alone.
Story time:
My hubbies brother's family visited us at home a few years back. They live in WV, even though that state is quite rural and rugged, they have never lived anywhere but in town and even in his home state (Ohio) there is a house almost every square mile so our really wide open spaces where you can't always see "civilization" or other humans for dozens of miles was a bit hard to deal with. We met them in a town nearby to lead them out onto the land. The 1st words out of his mouth after just traveling west of the Mississippi/out west were "Does God even know you are out here!" We still get a laugh out of that.
When we travel for pleasure we prefer to stay as remote as possible. When we get into crowded situations we get a bit edgy. Its not that we don't like making new friends...we just get tired the noise humans don't get all goofy on us...TVs running, folks talking loudly outside all hours of the night, engines starting up at dawn, traffic noise. We grin and bear it though but really just love to be home where the only noise we hear are the coyotes, wolves & wind howling...maybe something not everyone appreciates. It's all good! Make the best of it or "it" will make the best of you!