Forum Discussion

greenskeeper's avatar
Sep 26, 2014

probes in gray water tank ??

Just spent an hour changing the probes in the black water tank, and spent at least that much trying to find where the probes are in the gray water tank, can't even find the gray water tank....

2007 Jayco Greyhawk 32 ft ss
5000 kodiak chassis , just like the Seneca

looks like it is really hidden nicely..........just need to get the gray water levels, as we dry camp a lot, didn't need the black as you can see it, but had the new probes so I used them, but gray you can't see.................thanks for the help
  • this not a sales pitch

    seen these on youtube
    maybe these would be better
  • wow, ours are 10 yrs old - works perfectly fine....oh sure some could have more levels (than just the 3) but when its full its full.

    if you want accuracy upgrade to a SeeLevel Gauge by Garnet Technologies Inc.
  • My rig is 14 years old, tank probews stopped working about 3 to 4 months latter, haven't even looked at them, time to dump black tank, the wife complains she smells it when she flushes, gray tank when the shower tub starts to fill.

    Don't waste your time with the probes they rarely work for long, learn to listen for the full tank noise, it never fails.

  • I know with our trailer, when the gray is full you can hear the gulp, gulp, gulp when you use a sink. The next thing that happens is that the shower/tub stops draining. When that happens, it's time to go pull the handle.

    The tank level indicator is usually saying I'm full long before that happens, but I have gotten to know our habits and generally how far we can go before empty.