mikebte wrote:
I cant say I have this issue. HAHA. I work as a RV "Sales man"
If I can answer any question I will be happy to help.
Solving the questions: First guy you see when you come in the door? This is a way of keeping it stress free. No one likes a bunch of sales people standing around the door when they arrive at a dealer. So they rotate salesmen at the door to keep it low stress.
If you don't like a salesmen the best thing you can do is return on his/ her off day and buy from someone else, you can also ask to speak with a sales manager or just ask for a different sales person. I myself don't work for a 2 teeth sales organization, but I do know the kind. I avoid working there.
For getting a good deal? that can be simple. There are dealers that mark it down and leave a few hundred dollars to play with and some that only show full top retail. This is when you need a sales person you can trust and know. Every persons story is different on buying. I don't want to open the can of worms on why every deal is different, but I will always help where I can.
Thanks to all perspectives from those that responded, but also thanks for your perspective as an RV salesman. I don't think I would have the patience to come back on their day off, but I could just try asking for someone else, or just walk away and go find someone else I guess. I can envision you guys shunning that gesture out of loyalty for each other, and I might get sent back to the original.
I do my research before even bothering to look, and I buy from abroad, but nothing beats the experience of just sitting in one to get the "feel". Unfortunately, on the bigger coaches they are limited to one or two inside, and there rest are locked, thus a salesman is required.