4X4Dodger wrote:
1968mooney wrote:
soren wrote:
1968mooney wrote:
minnow wrote:
1968mooney wrote:
... In 40 yrs. of sales, I found customers that approach with this attitude are much more trouble than they are worth. They will take up your time and very seldom purchase anything. Most of the replies come from posters that have not purchased a new RV or if they did, it was 10 yrs. ago. I found in my experience, avoiding the "know it all customers" is much better than wasting your time with them. And, yes. I was top salesman in my field many times. :S
Yes, the informed customer is definitely more trouble than their worth. Especially since the world is full of neophyte's that can be taken full advantage of. And by the way, the feeling is mutual; salesdudes like you are to be avoided at all costs.
Just exactly the "attitude" I posted about. Another "know it all". I've already made my millions so you will not be encountering me. :B
You sound awesome! Do you have a fan club, or a blog we could follow. It might be helpful for us lesser beings to improve ourselves.
You are showing your "true" net worth by making intelligent responses such as this. :@
Not only "Doth he protest too loudly" he also keeps digging his own hole deeper and undermining any credibility he might have salvaged with a more measured response.
It is precisely this kind of attitude on the part of sales staffs that chase good buyers with the means to purchase, away from dealerships.
Indeed, the lack of a reasonable response speaks volumes. A new member who not only trolls for entertainment, but seems to be rather dedicated to attacking those who dare complain about being wronged by Camping World sales, or service. Now he seems to have moved on to belittling those that discuss unpleasant purchase experiences in general. Kind of reminds of a situation here that some of the old timers might recall. It happend during a rather heated discussion about less than wonderful experiences with the KOA chain, when a vigorous defender of the corporation proved to be a bit too knowledgeable. Not real hard to do when your paycheck (and loyalty)comes from the same company you are busy defending.
Finally, the whole "net worth" comment is funny, and strange. I really have no interest in those that determine their self worth based on their net worth. If it's important to the troll, I have been retired, quite comfortably, for the last three years. Hopefully, I'll have a few more decades left to enjoy my "net worth". Since I just turned 52, the odds are good.