4X4Dodger wrote:
Bipeflier wrote:
The ONLY card you hold in the buying hand is to walk away. The house holds all the other cards. Most places would like to sell you a unit but none of them HAVE to sell one to you. There will be another sucker along in a few minutes if you walk.
NO! Emphatically NO. YOU the buyer hold the best cards of all...the MONEY. Money you are willing to spend.
It is precisely this idea that people have that somehow they are at the short end of the stick that breeds these misconceptions.
You HAVE THE MONEY ...THEY want it. Now who do you think is really in the drivers seat?
The REAL problem is: People buy EMOTIONALLY. And dealers know this. Get rid of the Emotion. Divorce yourself from that new Truck or car. Make it clear there are HUNDREDS of dealers you can go to. that you do not need that particular car.
No I am sorry you have it backwards. But most people do. That is why dealers succeed. When you realize that you are the driving force of the deal...you will get better deals.
I believe you are trying to argue while saying the exact same thing that I stated. The MONEY you are willing to spend will limit how far you are willing to go in the deal while the dealer may not be willing or able to meet you there. The dealers may want your money but do not absolutely have to get yours. Again, the only thing you can do is walk away.
I appologize to all for using the word sucker but that is exactly how some dealers look at us. No offence intended.