Forum Discussion

5thwheeleroldma's avatar
Aug 05, 2017

Progressive Lens After Cateract Surgery

Since my cateract surgery, my progressive lens glasses don't seem to do the job any more (yes I got new prescription). Anybody else notice this? Think I will have to go with single vision, far off, lenses, and just carry some cheap readers in my pocket.

Sorry not RV topic, but you guys are my main communicators anymore.
  • 5thwheeleroldman wrote:
    Since my cateract surgery,

    This is sad.
    Your surgeon should have explained things to you better.
    And/or done a better job.

    If after cataract surgery you end up needing glasses for BOTH distance and reading.......something did not go right.
    Or maybe you opted for an extremely inexpensive replacement lens.

    You should discuss this with your surgeon AND your regular eye doctor before deciding what to do next.
  • The new prescription progressive lens glasses I got following my cataract surgery are working fine. I opted for the distance implants and the biggest prescription change, not surprisingly, is that the upper distance area is now zero magnification, and the mid to lower areas are lower than before. It took just a couple of hours to adjust to the new progressive lenses. A friend of ours got the split implant setup, with one eye for reading and the other for distance, and absolutely hates it. She's thinking of having the reading lens replaced with a matching distance lens even if her insurance won't pay for it.

    I opted for the distance implants on the theory that if anything happened to my glasses, I could still function pretty normally, including driving, until I could access my spare glasses. And cheap reading glasses are also readily available at Walmart, drug stores, etc, if needed...