SuperDutyMan wrote:
jalichty wrote:
Superduty, you are the first person I have heard say he got better mileage with ethanol infused gasoline. Most of the folks I have read about claim fewer miles per gallon and decreased power.
What in the world were you reading!! I said I get better milage and power with the pure gas (WITH NO ETHANOL)....??? I swear some of you guys can't read......and everyone knows,or should, when you say moisture,ethanol absorbs water way more than gas,so as it absorbs more moister,that means theres more moister (water) in the gas and that's what corrodes the fuel system ,especially small engines..if you ever saw a sprint car on ahcohol,the motor literally sweats,as far as the guy criticizing my punctuation,you're one of the reasons I don't post much......
That's funny because the way I read it you were saying you preferred gas with "E".
Here is what you wrote, I interpreted as meaning you were getting better better milage and the power.
"he moister in the ethanol,screws up all the carbs.,but I really like it in the truck,it gets such better milage and the power is better also"
Someone mentioned that you are having a problem with punctuation and you got offended. Maybe the reason some of us got confused was the punctuation.