Anmacc2 wrote:
Old-Biscuit wrote:
As to the transporting inside your SUV.............lesson learned
Welll...... Okay so, I have a van and an SUV. How do I transport a propane tank without putting it/them in either one? I won't close the windows again but I'm a little stymied here. My friends all put them in their trunks....
The same way I carry BBQ tanks to be refilled, or lawn mower gas cans when that's needed—you stick it in the back of your van or SUV (or, in my case, hatchback), and do what what you need to do. Many other people do the same every day, presumably not so much out of desire as out of necessity. I'm surely not going to carry a gas can or propane cylinder strapped to the top of my car, nor hanging off the back, nor do I care to tote it on a bicycle or walk a few miles down the road carrying it by hand.