2oldman wrote:
thanks. Have an appt with local doc in the am. My cough is so bad I'm almost choking. Fever-100 We'll see what he says.
I hope everything works out, but if the doc doesn't like what they hear in your lungs, do whatever they suggest and don't wait! I did for 2 days and spent the next 2 months in the hospital, 3 weeks in a coma, slightly over a year ago starting with exactly what you describe until it turned into H1N1, AND viral Pneumonia. There's no reason I should be standing here now to warn others because it degraded that far, and fast !
As for Valley Fever, the #1 lab in the country (maybe the only one) that can positively diagnose Valley Fever is in Bakersfield as it is also the capitol of VF. They thought that's what I had too and it took many days to get the results back. As much as I see your Sig in Cochella, I doubt that's what you have in Q.
To Quartzsite, I usually catch something every year out there with the exception of last year with all the drugs still lingering. And again this year, started coughing and finally went to Eisenhower in La Quinta for more drugs. I'm pretty well convinced the reason is all the people from around the country in Q, most older and having a harder time fighting off whatever bugs they bring to Q and being contagious. Hang In !!