Ron3rd wrote:
For those disappointed in the RV related products available; the reason is the huge trend is now to Amazon and Ebay.
Perhaps.... One of the problems is that the local bureaucracy has priced a lot of vendors right out of town. The sales tax is just a tick under 10% and the fees for booths, especially in the big tent, have gone through the roof over the last few years.
I used to work a couple of the major boat shows every year in southern California. Manufacturers would give big discounts to vendors for promoting their product line at these shows, often 15% to 30% which enables the vendors to give at least half of that off their prices to promote sales. I did not see any such discounts from the vendors at the Q as they were scrambling just to cover the significantly higher costs to be there.
Many items advertised as "Show Specials" were simply the everyday retail price and often even higher. Tire Trakker to name just one, advertised their Show Special price of $219 claiming the retail price was $319. Pure BS as they have been selling the four sensor package for $219 for several years.
With the internet and as noted, the growth of Amazon and E Bay consumers are far more informed and generally know what things should cost. Until the folks that run Quartzsite wake up and smell the coffee the show will continue to be a shadow of its former self.
As always.... Opinions and YMMV. :C