Super_Dave wrote:
I had to do some work on my toilet and was surprised that everywhere that there was a threaded fitting it was only finger tight. Check connections and keep flushing the toilet until you discover where the water is coming from.
This is my suggestion as well. When we bought our Bungalow, we had a long demo with water hooked up and all was fine. A few days after we took delivery, I discovered a decent sized puddle in the kitchen about 3 feet from the edge of the counter shortly after the shower was used. I found the water was coming from the hot water fitting on the sink in the half bath about 15 feet from where the puddle was (followed the plumbing from the half bath towards the puddle). I put some thread tape on both hot and cold fittings at that sink and tightened them both.
Problem solved until the next summer. Puddle again, same place. This time is was the hot water fitting on the kitchen sink. Again, put thread tape on both hot and cold fittings and tightened down. No more puddle in the kitchen.
Water will flow to the lowest point it can get to. Water may be near the shower, but it maybe coming from somewhere entirely different.