Old-Biscuit wrote:
Sometimes they get closed due to multiple postings in different forums
Sometimes they get closed cause the posts go sideways
Sometimes they get closed cause MOD/ADMIN doesn't like subject (preventive strike)
Sometimes they get closed just because it is easier then dealing with the 'bad postings' (shotgun approach)
Sometimes they get closed due to inactivity (dead-man approach)
Sometimes they just get closed
99% of time 'No Reason' is posted
Some Mods/Admin will respond via question thru Private Message-----Some.
You need to add................
Sometimes mods use personal opinions or agendas to close a thread.
It does not seem so prevalent here if at all, but at some forums the mods can go over the top with their personal agendas and opinions. Forest River Forum is a doosey in that regards. Another member here, along with myself, were both accused of being racists there by one certain moderator. That was for saying the advertised Amish Craftsmanship was a load of BS, and the Amish in the RV Industry are a bunch of hacks who are just there for a paycheck like the other workers LOL.
I have also seen the addition of just one mod who went overboard, chase away just about every long time active member (
dozens, not a couple) at another forum without the site administrator / owner doing anything about it for 2 years. The only thing that fixed that was her death, the mod not the owner.