Don't know where to begin with this one. I don't think I ever made a trip without something failing or needing to be fixed. Front end failures were the biggest problem and the largest cost of ownership. Autopark system was the next most problematic, green switch failed at least 4 times once at 60 mph and always on a trip. Exhaust manifolds cracked and engine over heated. Thorley headers fixed that and added 80 more HP and a cooler running engine. Radiator is original. Everything else circuit boards for refer, WH, HWH jacks, HYD line bursting, door lock failures, fuel pump failure, genset problems, I just consider normal for a 27 year old MH with 124,000 miles of travel. What I consider good on the MH is the cable slide which has never given me a problem. Refer is original and still cools well with a new burner tube and board. Jacks still have original seals and square return springs, only maintenance is silicone spay on shafts every other year or so when they return slow. Rubber roof has never leaked, caulked every year and coated twice. Steps are original and still work after a relay replacement in the control board. Both roof top AC's still work with just normal cleaning. Never touched the propane heater and it still works. Awning blew off in 40 mph cross winds in Wyoming. Slide topper as well as window awnings are all original. 2 6V Sams Club batteries are 16 years old and still read 50 % SOC or more after 7 days of dry camping. All in all, I think the near trouble-free systems outweighs the bad systems.