ok heres how it works between coach net and aaa as far as when they call us (towing service) as a aaa service provider we have a specific are we cover, now being we have trucks to tow anything and everything we can handle any rv that breaks down in our area, BUT say your in a area that the tow company doesnt have a big truck, well then aaa will call the nearest aaa vendor that does have one, now this process may take awhile, now we are always happy to go out of our area because aaa will pay our own rates for rv service (aaa pays very poorly on car services but make up for it in volume kinda) now when you have coach net they will call a few tow companies around where your broke down and ask how much for what you need done (tow, tire change, whatever) then they pick the cheapest one, thats why sometimes you get long wait times or poor service from the tow company, because they picked the cheapest company. now some tow companys will not do any towing of rv's becasue they are a pain to tow most of the time and dont know how to charge accordingly or just dont care to do it.