I usually don't reply to topics like this, but there have been some really big mistruths told on this topic. First of all the production of ethanol has a net positive energy balance even if you go back to the production of the corn. Modern ethanol plants have become very efficient. Second, the comment about using food for fuel doesn't describe what is actually happening. When corn is used in the production of ethanol, only part of the starch is used in the fermentation. What is left is a very high quality, and high in protein feed that is in high demand for livestock. There is no shortage of starch in the world. Also, ethanol has replaced MTBE that was used in our gas to reduce pollution. Well the MTBE was found to be a carcinogin that was getting into our water. Ethanol is a very safe additive that petroleum companies like to use in gas. It allows them to use a very low quality, low octane gas that doesn't have to refined as much and add the ethanol and come up with an 87 octane fuel. This poor quality gas that is used in the blend could be where some of the issues come from with using e10.