(Financially) it is better to trade your too small a truck for a used truck that you can PAY for and get OUT from under the bank notes.
sac89 wrote:
Is it better to buy a truck to tow a TT or 5er or buy a Class C or A and tow a car? The MONEY you can save will pay for any needed repairs/ upgrades. The deals are out there, you just have to look.
Reson for the question, I have a truck towing a TT right now, I need to upgrade my truck very soon. It is too small (IMO) for the trailer. If I add up my current truck payments and my current TT payment, it is quite hefty. Any new truck will increase that payment.
taking that total payment for the two, and purchase a Class C or A or even a Diesel pusher and tow a car that I already own.