Thank you 3 dog nights. Almost 52 so they are gonna do you know what, to me. Badly.
If they had even waited till Nov 2016, I could've drawn early partial annuity, for life. But nooooooo. 25 years in public service, down the drain.
I scored higher, have more seniority & more experience. But then again, I'm older than the others there and they were all born 10+ later than me. :D
Thank you 2lazy4u. I heard about Arctic Fox (although I haven't seen one in real life) but not Nash. I will definitely check that out! :*
Thank you Rockportrocket. Don't I wish?
Teacher Retirement of Texas has their regs and the DISD does whatever they wish and attorneys here won't take them on because there doesn't ever seem to be any "win" except for the district. Unfortunately.
Well unless, you're a minority or someone who could otherwise make headlines. I was the last non-minority in my position for many years now, at my job location. (Which would make me the minority right? But no.) Funny, that... ;)
Thank you Wishbone51.My apologies for the extended text shorthand to the original postIng. It was excessive to say the say the least.
I think the higher your IQ is, the more difficult it is to read. But the easier it is to write!! B)
Thanks all-Whatever I get, I'm posting a pic here as soon as I get it! I HATE the waiting!! :\