Funny.. Out of 55 posts, I see two that are what I consider truly balanced..
When I am pulling, do I care *that* much about someone tailgating? Not really. I am in front and I have to worry about keeping my own load under control. On a 4 lane or more road, if they want to get around its easy. Im not going to go 10 over when I barely feel comfortable going 5 under just to appease people.
But on the other hand, I get the gist from many on here y'all don't give a dang about who's behind you or what kind of issues you are causing whether you are technically right or not. Some people do have places to go(like work). If I am on a heavily traveled 2 lane road that has a speed limit of 55 that sees most people normally going 65, even if I am going 55 or so and I see cars piling up behind me that can't get around because of oncoming traffic, I will usually pull over every now and then and let everyone go by.
Do I have to? No.. But it doesn't make me feel superior to everyone else by sitting in my seat and laughing about how i am holding people up. I also know that sooner or later having that attitude is going to result in some unstable persons blood pressure boiling to the point that they do something stupid and pass when it is not safe, and possibly take themselves out, someone coming in the opposite direction out, as well as possibly me. I'd rather just add a few extra minutes to my already long trip and be safe, rather than being life-flighted to an emergency room with the comfort of knowing "Hey, I was in the right, that guy was just being an jerk"...