mlts22 wrote:
I've been lucky so far, but I do watch what sits outside. My Yammy 3000ise is chained through both handles with at least two chains and padlocks imported from Germany [1]. It also is insured against theft. I have a couple Styrofoam coolers with drinks on a table, and at worst, I've had a few cold ones walk off, but in the Texas heat, I prefer my cooler get a tad lighter than have to take someone to the ER for heatstroke.
So far, I've had good luck. Knock on wood. The worst I've had stolen was some lawn bags which had my "output" from a bag toilet among other things. The thieves pulled up their pickup truck right by mine while I was inside at a gas station, jumped truck bed to truck bed, made off with my poop and camp waste, and took off just like they heisted the Hope Diamond. Of course, the cashier offered to call the sheriff, but I told him to not bother... why bother law enforcement for a $0 theft.
[1]: I think it is ironic that Europe has far less crime than we do, but they have FAR better locks and security. Fiamma (the awning makers) sell locks which go over doors and storage compartments, and there are third parties which sell deadbolt locks that inset to protect the cab doors of a class "C", as well as a bar to keep people from coming in the main entrance.
Awesome! Too bad you couldn't have seen their faces when they opened up their stolen treasure bag!