Don't know what your manual says but this is from the website
NOTE: By-pass adjustment should only
be performed by a professional technician
with proper gauges and equipment.
The by-pass is a spring loaded diaphragm
that opens up allowing water
from the discharge side back to the inlet
side. The by-pass is set to begin opening
at about 40 psi and creating full by-pass
at about 62 psi (lower pressure pumps
will vary depending on the by-pass and
pressure shut-off settings). The pressure
switch on the pump is set to shut
off at 55 psi. If the switch or by-pass
are adjusted too much, the by-pass and
switch shut-off can overlap and THE
PUMP WILL NOT SHUT OFF. Screwing the switch screw in clockwise will
raise the shut-off pressure. Unscrewing
the switch screw counterclockwise
will lower the pump shut-off pressure.
Screwing the by-pass screw in will raise
the pressure at which the by-pass starts
and raise the full by-pass pressure.
Unscrewing the by-pass screw counterclockwise
will lower the pressure at
which by-pass starts and lower the full
by-pass pressure.
WARNING: If full by-pass is reached
before the shut-off setting, the pump
will not shut off. Full by-pass pressure
setting should be at least 10 psi higher
than pump shut off pressure