az99 wrote:
Hilldude- I just got a Focus and was looking at your install photos. Thank You for posting them.
Why did you install the cable so far left and down of a straight pull? I am not criticizing just asking. Is there double wall above and right of the steering boot? I didn't get it up on the lift yet. Just want to be prepared when I do.
Thanx Again
I think you'll find there are just too many things in the way under the hood, to do a 'straight pull' install like you're talking about.
No doubt a straight pull install would be best, and if you can do it that way, go for it. I think most folks that install ReadyBrake, though, end up doing something similar to Hilldude's installation, where they route the cable along the driver's side. Just too many components in the way otherwise.
Haha, you don't even want to KNOW all the obstacles and 'challenges' that were in the way with my Fusion Hybrid, and how difficult it was to route the cable around to the front with that one! Going around on the left side was only option. :)