Dec 07, 2018Explorer III
Who are the morons that just flat out ruined a good reservation site?
The maps look like something a child drew...
The maps look like something a child drew...
pnichols wrote:Matt_Colie wrote:jplante4 wrote:
Also, the new site does not support the Opera browser.
I guess that leaves me out.
Firefox now has features I will not allow.
Chrome is unreliable on this system.
I haven't had anything Microsoft since my Office 98 disaster that they caused.
So, I guess we are stuck with private and Walmart. (Actually, we prefer Cabela's and BassPro.)
....Or you can use the old way of calling the ranger office closest-to/at the park/area you want to go to. I often do this and they'll check openings and make reservations for you right over the phone. Sometimes the Internet is not all it's cracked up to be.
gkainz wrote:tdiller wrote:
Its amazing what people did in the early days with only 64MB of memory.
64MB? The computer I had in the Navy E-2 Hawkeye that covered over 300 miles of airspace and tracked hundreds of contacts did all this with 64K of memory.
Matt_Colie wrote:jplante4 wrote:
Also, the new site does not support the Opera browser.
I guess that leaves me out.
Firefox now has features I will not allow.
Chrome is unreliable on this system.
I haven't had anything Microsoft since my Office 98 disaster that they caused.
So, I guess we are stuck with private and Walmart. (Actually, we prefer Cabela's and BassPro.)
tdiller wrote:
Its amazing what people did in the early days with only 64MB of memory.
gkainz wrote:
I agree the new website is horrible. I've been in IT since before IT was called IT. I would bet with a high degree of confidence that the website development was off-shored.
My old account information could not be verified after the new deployment - even though it recognized my old username. It insisted that my driver's license number could not validate the account, but was happy enough to use my passport information. Suspicion level ramped up another level on personal information harvesting from yet another intrusive source.
jplante4 wrote:
Also, the new site does not support the Opera browser.