Steve6l wrote:
One more thing on your setup with the jack/hand/jack stand in your picture it's not level like it will be in the reviever of the truck, yes I can use a jack stand and have it on a 30 degree angle or so you are showing off horizontal plane, will this not effect the placement of the snap up and dual cam mounts vs perfectly horizontal plane more so how it's mounted in the truck?
The "dry" test fit is only to confirm the cam arm frame plate is mounted in the "general" right league. This dry test fit is "not" the final location of the cam arm. And yes, the shank is pointing down as it is not loaded up like when it is in the truck.
Once the rig is step and under full load and hitched, you adjust the WD on the truck by the head tilt and this then determines the bend/flex/angle in the WD bar. That flex, head angle and number of chain links under tension creates the final location of the cam arm. You then use all the cam arm adjustement as needed to tweak the cam arm to be dead centered on the V of the WD bar.
Point is, you have adjustment range to allow this. Most DC mounting screw up's occur when the frame plates where drilled in the wrong location to start with, unhitched. Then the user goes to try and adjust the cam arm to only run out of adjustment and cannot get there. They are off by up to 3/4" to 1" off. Meaning big time screw up. One size fits all does not work. Check twice, drill once.
NOTE: When you get to the end of tweaks, you have to drive/track the truck ands trailer a good 100 feet straight then then get out and look to see if the cam is dead on the V in the WD bar. Tweak as needed. Can yak more on this if needed