Ed thank you for your very informative post. I too was very active having run for 20 years until knee arthritis set in, then started biking and going to the gym when not traveling. There is a fine line between Lev 9:11 and Due 34:7 which I have been believing for myself as I age. In Feb I will turn 70 which my wife is always reminding me of when ever I still act like I am 40. In retrospect having the first sign of a stroke would the damage have been less if you took 4 aspirin immediately and then go to the ER? Do you believe if you stayed on the warfrim that would have prevented the second stroke? My father died or a heart attack at age 75 but his sister is still alive and is 104. None of us know how much time we have on this earth but taking your advice may prolong our days. I pray you will have a full recovery and can return to what you love doing.