Back in my 9-1-1 days a gentelman called seems he had borrowed his daughter's company car and locked the keys inside (He had her permission to use) and did not want to damage it forcing his way in (Done that a few times I have)
I sent him a novice locksmith
Took one try to unlcok it Less than 15 seconds
Takes a bit longer to make a new key but any good smith can do it.
On motor homes:
Ignition key is a chassis builder part.. IF the chassis builder is still about.. Contact them with the VIN and they may be able to give you (or your smith) the codes to cut a new one....
Had a man lock his keys in his pickup.. one of the few I can not open.. Took him to the dealer They borrowed his license and registration (Has VIN on it) and relieved him of$18.00.. New key worked perfectly.
Door, Compartment and such are body builder parts.. ODDS are any RV dealer will have a big ring of keys one of which fits (Or several depending on how your RVwas keyed) and some of them can cut you new keys when they find the one that fits.