Grit dog wrote:
YahkNBahk wrote:
wapiticountry wrote:
I think you are over complicating it. I assume you only want to move the connection a minimal distance. Assuming the current lateral line isn’t almost at the surface, just dig down exposing two or three feet of the upright. Cut it and install a tee. Trench a lateral line from there to where you want it. The slope only needs to be 1/4 inch per foot of lateral line. You can move the connection nearly 50 feet with only a foot of slope. Put a long sweep 90 and attach the upright with a sewer cap. Back at the original it would be wise to run up an upright from the tee and cap it with a threaded clean out plug. You could even bury it a few inches if you want a smooth yard. Just be sure you note where it is so you can uncover it if you ever need to snake the line. Placing a piece of metal on top before burying is a great tip since it can easily be located with a metal detector. Twists and turns really don’t matter as long as you keep them gradual and remember the first rule of plumbing: Sheet flows downhill.
I'm pretty sure this the route I'm going to go. I wouldn't need to go more than 25' or so. I'll keeping these instructions. Thanks!
That’s it? 25’? And not significantly up or downhill?
If you’d said that at the beginning this conversation would have been different.
Definitely a weekend job. Maybe only 1 case of beer if your help are better pipe hands than they are drinkers!
Yeah I know. I was so set on connecting to the main line that I didn't see the more obvious and easier solution. LOL if I get the lads before noon I should be ok.