Our local "put-it-down" cell phone law specifically exempts radio communications.
"Radio communications" includes Ham and CB operators, law enforcement, business band operators, and hands-free cell phone use.
At the present time, there is no state wide ban on hand held communications.
CB can be very handy (sometimes mandatory) when going on a trail ride with a 4x4 club. As stated, not every body is a Ham operator or has a GMRS license. I have found FRS radios to be pretty much useless in the mountains for anything but short distance (100 yards) communications.
I have traveled from MT to Central CA, monitoring CB Channel 19 and 146.520 (the national 2-meter call channel), with "Amateur Radio" license plates (the plate number is my call sign). I talked to several people on the CB, but even though I announced myself on the 2 meter rig every couple of hours, I only got one call, about 40 miles from my destination. We talked for many miles.
I need to check my radios, and put one back in the truck, and one in the motorhome.