dcmac214 wrote:
What are the trails like in that area? We're scenery-admiring, pokey riders who are looking for new area(s) to ride with trails/roads in decent condition.
Is there enough mileage in different directions to have a base camp for a week?
Last month spent a week in Richfield Utah, greatly disappointed in the trail system: 1/3 sort-of-okay, 1/3 bad, 1/3 honest-to-God horribly terrible. I figure 90% due to riders doing their best to tear up the trails (and doing it), topped off with 10% weather. We won't ever return.
The entire AngelFire/Red River area is one of the best riding venues in the country. After the huge fire last year the Forrest Service out of necessity dramatically improved their access roads and there are hundreds of miles of amazing trails. roads and or two tracks. Here are a couple of pics from the Angel Fire ride:

You could easily do week in the area and never come close to seeing them all. Haul your buggy up to Red River more of the same. We rode to the top of Greenie Peak at 11,000'+ and looked down on the top of the ski runs. A ride up to Goose Lake is mind numbingly gorgeous especially now with the Aspens turning. For this year though your window is closing quickly as winter will not be far-off. You will often ride for hours and encounter few if any others... so come prepared.