Sorta got revenge once: While tent camping in mid November at a State Forest in Western MD, I was awoken around 5 am by what sounded like people walking around our tent and shining lights into the tent. It really spooked me so I woke my buddy. We got out and looked around and then noticed a truck parked right next to our site. There is like 100 sites in a 46,000 acre State Forest and the sites are well spread out. The nearest site to us was like a 1/2 mile down the road. I couldn't go back to sleep, I was too freaked out. My buddy didn't seem to care and went back to bed.
We spent the better park of the day cutting up fallen trees with chain saws and chopping them up into fire wood. A couple hours after lunch a not so happy looking bow hunter walked back to his truck, parked right next to our site. I guess we spoiled his hunting trip. We had a pretty good laugh after he drove away.